I : I hate myself
Myself : No , you don't
I : Yes I do , I am a pathetic loser
Myself : Don't say that, you aren't a loser
I : Everything I do is a fail , why nothing goes right ?
Myself :It happens to everybody
I : No it doesn't , it happens only to me
Myself : No , it's you who focus on the bad things
I : You don't know anything
Myself : You know what , you are totally right , you are a loser and I don't know anything
I : how dare you say such a thing about me ?
Myself : Can we quit that conversation and think of something positive ?
I : I feel so sad , I don't know why , do you think I'm away too sensitive ?
Myself : sensitivity is a good thing
I : It doesn't work where we live
Myself : It's okay to be different
I : I wish I can handle pressure better
Myself : You do that but in a different way
I : That way makes me suffer , it has a bad effect on me
Myself : you are in a serious need to relax
I : You are right
Myself : I'm always right .