Monday, May 24, 2010

one of the Schizophrenic conversations that I'm always having with myself

I : I hate myself
Myself : No , you don't
I : Yes I do , I am a pathetic loser
Myself : Don't say that, you aren't a loser
I : Everything I do is a fail , why nothing goes right ?
Myself :It happens to everybody
I : No it doesn't , it happens only to me
Myself : No , it's you who focus on the bad things
I : You don't know anything
Myself : You know what , you are totally right , you are a loser and I don't know anything
I : how dare you say such a thing about me ?
Myself : Can we quit that conversation and think of something positive ?
I : I feel so sad , I don't know why , do you think I'm away too sensitive ?
Myself : sensitivity is a good thing
I : It doesn't work where we live
Myself : It's okay to be different
I : I wish I can handle pressure better
Myself : You do that but in a different way
I : That way makes me suffer , it has a bad effect on me
Myself : you are in a serious need to relax
I : You are right
Myself : I'm always right .

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The need to be understood

I read a lot of INFP profiles and I always found that we usually are not understood and I felt that it's something not nice and people loves to be understood , I thought of myself am I not understood ? Do I feel like people don't understand me ? what understanding really means ? why people complain about it ? if being understood means that people knows what you think , how you think , what your motives really are, Doesn't that makes you predicted ? Why do you wanna be predicted any way ? then back to the question ''Do I feel like people don't understand me ? '' well , I don't know when was the last time I had a deep conversation with any one, I rarely talk about things that interest me because I'm the only one who is interested in it , the only common thing between me and my friends is that we go to the same college ,so does that make me not understood ? actually YES , I wanna someone who can shares me my thoughts , someone who thinks that books and movies are the greatest inventions in history , someone who loves to listen to jhon lennon and old music , someone who thinks that fight club ( the movie ) supports nihilism , someone who classify people according to the MBTI just for fun , someone I can talk to about george berkeley 's theories and philosophy . I need someone who understands me . and after some serious thinking yes it's annonying if no one understands you and being understood doesn't have to mean that you should be predicted , actually understanding people comes in many levels , it starts with what is common between each other and comes to the ultimate level of being so open to someone you choose and become predicted to him. this is the only description of understanding I reached , I'm not sure if there is any further explanation. if there is ,I really wanna know about it .