Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pandora's Box

At one time the only mortals on the earth were men. Prometheus had made them, Athene had breathed life into them. The chief god Zeus did not like them.

One day Prometheus was trying to solve a quarrel that was raging between the gods and the men. At a festival the men were going to sacrifice a bull for the first time. They asked him which parts of the bull should be offered to the gods and which should be eaten by men. Prometheus decided to play a trick on Zeus. He killed the bull, skinned it and butchered it. He split it into two portions, in one he put the best, lean meat. In the second he put bones followed by a thick layer of fat. Prometheus offered both to Zeus to take his choice. Zeus looked at both portions, one looked good but was rather on the small side, the other was much larger and covered in a layer of fat which Zeus felt must cover the best, tastiest portion of meat. He chose that one. When Zeus realised that he had been tricked he was furious. He took fire away from man so that they could never cook their meat or feel warm again.

Prometheus reacted immediately flying to the Isle of Lemnos where he knew the smith Hephaestus had fire. He carried a burning torch back to man. Zeus was enraged. He swore vengeance and started making an evil plan.

Zeus, set Hephaestos the task of creating a clay woman with a human voice. Hephaestos worked and worked and created a masterpiece. Athene, goddess of wisdom and Zeus' daughter liked the clay figure and she breathed life into it. She taught the woman how to weave and clothed her. Aphrodite the goddess of love made her beautiful. The god Hermes taught her to charm and deceive.

Zeus was pleased with what he saw, but he had made her as a trap. He named the woman Pandora and sent her as a gift to Epimetheus. Epimetheus had been warned by his brother Prometheus that he should never accept gifts from Zeus because there would always be a catch. Epimetheus ignored his brother's warning, fell in love with Pandora and married her. Zeus, pleased that his trap was working gave Pandora a wedding gift of a beautiful box. There was one condition however...that was that she never opened the box.

For a while they were very happy. Pandora often wondered what was in the box but she was never left alone so she never opened it. Gradually over a while she began to wonder more and more what was in the box. She could not understand why someone would send her a box if she could not see what was in it. It got very important to find out what was hidden there.

Finally she could stand it no longer. One day when everyone was out she crept up to the box, took the huge key, fitted it carefully into the lock and turned it. She lifted the lid to peep in but before she realised it the room was filled with terrible things: disease, despair, malice, greed, old age, death, hatred, violence, cruelty and war. She slammed the lid down and turned the key again...keeping only the spirit of hope inside.

To this day sometimes when things are really bad the only thing we have left is hope. Even then some people will say hope deceives us.\
source :

10 Ways to Raise Your Energy and Help Change the World

By Iain Legg / Creator of The Super Mind Evolution System

1. DON’T give away your power to people. Take responsibility for your life. If things aren’t going as hoped in your life, re-examine your deepest beliefs. Swap limiting beliefs for empowering ones.

2. DO get a pet! According to Power vs Force, a purring cat vibrates at 500 …my pet dog Cass must vibrate at least 800 with her loving licks and devotion! (She is nicknamed ‘Licky’ by my friends!)

3. DON’T watch movies that drag you down. According to Power vs Force, this is most films. Watch movies that will make you feel good. Listen to music that fills you with positive emotions. Read books that empower you. (Control the input to your brain, and you’ll control your output).

4. DO focus on what you want in your life, not what you don’t want – remember the law of attraction… You have the power to create the life of your dreams – even if the world around you seems messed up, don’t lose focus…

5. DO imagine that what you dream of is in your life now, and feel grateful for it now …and after that think of 10 more things to be grateful for.

6. DO have fun. Life is about being happy. Don’t wait until you have this, or that… Don’t put off happiness. Live now. Enjoy now.

7. DO seek to discover the truth about the meaning of your life. The answers are there if you look for them. Awareness and peace of mind are high vibrations.

8. DO use tools and strategies to help you achieve higher levels of consciousness, such as meditation and the free Alpha audio you can access at the end of this article

9. DON’T watch the news on television. It is filled with negativity which lowers your vibrations. (Why is 95% of all news all the time focused on bad news…). If you want to keep abreast of current affairs search the internet for independent, unbiased news. Seek the truth. Trust your intuition. This will also help you give you a much more balanced view of reality. There’s lots of good news out there if you’re looking for it…

10. DO help other people. Join activist sites like that collect petitions to help humanity. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding are good vibrations. Maybe even learn to spread love and heal people from a distance with the power of your mind…

that is really amazing , I love it .

Monday, March 29, 2010

30 things to do while you are bored

1. Try to develop psychic powers, then use 'em.
2. Sing Show Tunes.
3. Conceive a brand new language.
4. Walls made of brick. Count 'em.
5. Think of nicknames for everyone you know.
6. See how long you can hold your breath.
7. Think of five new ways to use your shoes.
8. Practice phrasing your answers in the form of a question.
9. Crawl around the room humming the music from Mission Impossible.
8. Pretend to communicate with your home planet.
9. Play rock-paper-scissors with yourself. Accuse your left hand of cheating.
10. Try bird-watching.
11. Run to the window, then say, "Sorry, I thought I saw the Bat-signal".
12. Start laughing really hard and say, "Oh, now I get it.".
13. Act like a spy / secret agent for the day
14. Act like you just met your friend for the first time.
15. Ask people if they’ve seen your head.
16. Make up crazy facts about things and tell them to other people like you are very smart.
Make your feet talk to each other.
Out of nowhere, or when it is quiet, say loud "When I say heeee-aay, you say hoooo, Heeee-aay" and see how many people say "ho".
19. try washing a tree .
20. water your shoes , see if they grows .
21. find a bug and chase it .
Start a conversation with yourself.
Blow bubbles with bubble gum.
Eat 6 spoon fulls of sugar, a soda, and another think that makes you hyper and then you won't be bored anymore, you will end up finding something to do...
25. Play Dead.
26. Think really hard about a friend or someone close to you and see if they pick up your vibe and give you a call.
27. Turn on the T.V., put it on mute and make up dialogue .
28. build a time capsule .
29. have a carpet picnic .
30. sudoku puzzle .

9 Things I Hate About Everyone :

1. People who point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours?
2. People who are willing to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually.
3. When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn Right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4. When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?
5. When people say while watching a film, "did ya see that?" No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor!
6. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"... Didn't give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7. When something is 'new and improved'. Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8. When people say "life is short". What the hell??? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!!! What can you do that longer?
9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus came, would I be standing here???

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lost , not anymore

Number 5 :

I'm scared , I'm lost , I'm confused
trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do
walking among the crowds , my head goes right to left
looking for that person who hasn't gone or left
I need him so much to tell me who I am
to point to the way or just give me a hand
a compass I can use , it's inside my heart
I shall listen to its beats and see the north in my eyes
now I feel a breeze making my cheeks cold
continues to reach my ears and makes my hair floats
Is it knowledge I can taste , so sweet so warm ?
or is it me dreaming and nothing has happened at all ?
I Pinch myself and tell it it's true like you
no more doubts , you know what to do
follow your heart , trust your instinct
this is who you are , don't have a think .

Between me & the moon

Stars I see , bright in the sky
stares at me with a wonder in the eyes
asking me for a wish to make it come true

The moon warns me , don't listen to the stars
too high it takes you , you are down before you realize
I smile and say too many wishes my heart wishes for
to all this come true , I am not that sure

To be withdrawn to the stars , that's no choice
so hard I tried to resist but they seem to have the force
the moon sigh and say to resist that's only a way
following the stars is an order your heart seems to obey

I do trust my heart, I'll do whatever it says
you are on your own now don't say I didn't lighten up your way
lighten up my way you did, I'm wiser than before
but I still wanna make a wish for something I'm looking for

To be with the stars that is so great , you can't deny that
I warned you that's what I say, you can count on that
kisses in the air for the moon up there
thank you for everything ,to deny it I don't dare.

Waiting for that knight

My third poem :

waiting in the dark
trying to find that knight
who promised not to be far
but he couldn't keep in mind
that I was looking for him
waiting him for relief
but he didn't show up and left me here for grief
was I just dreaming when I heard him say so ?
or it was him ? who couldn't keep his promise at all
now it's time for me to stand up for myself
as no one is coming and I won't scream for help
I can do it all on my own , it's only me to count on
me is happy with myself
for finally finding the power within itself
my own knight has finally showed up
I won't wait anymore , he is now on my side .